The Quattro Super Ducha is beyond quality and durability. It brings four temperatures for an even more relaxing bath. It is the quality of the FAME brand offering you the best bath with the exact temperature the way you like it.
4 Temperatures
Cold, Warm (2200w), Hot (3400w) and Super Hot (5400w). The shower is easy to operate. Saves up to 60% energy at warm temperature.
Wide water spreader, wider water jet, providing greater comfort and pleasure.
Removal and relocation is very easy, making sieve cleaning even easier. Higher speed and ease in the exchange of the Resistance, with exclusive locking system, which ensures perfect electrical contact.
State-of-the-art diaphragm: higher drive accuracy with even greater durability. Set of super-electric contacts ensure greater safety.
Compatible with solar heating system.
Water pressure: Minimum 1.3 m.c.a (0.1 bar) and maximum of 40 m.c.a. (4 bar).
Accompanying: Installation manual in the packaging, water outlet pipe cap (for hand shower); manual shower and flow reducer.